martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

My first non-fungible token: Spaceship owner

 I made my first NFT! Through Rarible, it's a service where you can upload your art work and sell it with a value attached on cryptocurrencies.

It costs 0.1 ETH and it's available through here:

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017


OK. I used to run a website, it was the most beautiful one, unfortunately it costs 6 dollars a month. It's not much, but I ran it for 4 years, so you can do the math, it's the price of an ipad, or 4 kindle fire 8 which I recently got and I'm looking forward, the previous one broke which was an actual ipad i bought in 2012 the 2 died, kaputt, its gemüte expired. So! No love is lost, and I saved it before ceasing to pay anymore with the amazing service provided by, if you want to check it out it's cached here as the last time I updated it. I did all the html of that site, it has some easter eggs but I don't know if they survived. Anyway this is the website:

The idea of the project was orangegutanlab . there is is still plenty of info about it if you google it. we even managed to upload music at myspace when it was still relatively cool. --- unfortunately myspace has gone so trash that i can't even play songs from there anymore.

anyway, here is a free mp3 for your enjoyment. it was recorded with chenrry, in his room, before getting high back in new years eve of 2008. it was our way to 'celebrate' the end of that year. it was our ideal of good times. still is, tho.

Coming soon ...

A philosopher in the city narratives group together as a series for

mayan codex

I remember I was very invested in doing these digital drawings using a mayan codex which was released in vienna back in autumn of 2014 when i was with my good friend pony in guadalajara. i wish i had saved them all in the cloud back then, now i don't find either the source material nor the rest of the images but this sole survivor, which i guess it makes it my favorite but the rest were very sick as well, oh well, talking about ephimery in the netz. also i tendo to have bursts of selfdestruction and shame in start deleting things posted online and then regret them because of situations like this. anyway, i will find the codex again, because i'm really good at finding stuff online, and i will perhaps engage again in this type of activity.

One Imperative presents: The Evangenitals -- 'I Feel Love'

Esta canción fue parte integral de mi estancia en el DF durante el 2015

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

Some thoughts sometimes come out when you read Vilem Flusser

Vilem Flusser. The master of writing about writing. The activity of writing as a duty of one's writer. To make writing a habit, but what is habit? There are many philosophical questions that surround the concept of habit, or is it an action? Why the concept has always a relation with an object, can habit be an object? What idea is it serving to make it a habit, so, if one surrenders to habits then work becomes mechanic, a machine, and as the worker of the machine you just need to keep the machine going, to take care of the machine, but then, what elements do the machine that writes on behalf of the writer has to take care of? Well, first you have the mind, you have to take care of the mind of the writer, but it can also be said that this will be only an aesthetic consideration because how many great writings have been produced by people who already had lost their mind, but the habit trascends the mind then, as you can see, because how can still be possible to produce such great texts if the mind of the writer is already somewhere else? the habit is what archives all the elements necesarily to keep going, like a spirit. The creation of the spirit is then material because it takes work to objectify it in the form of habit, and an everlasting one has the elements of a brute stone that has been polished into its maximum expression of value

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

does not belong to the ...

disjointed images that belong to the edgy

the celebration of the old
as if we haven't deserved to own it


civilization doesn't exist
it is not a clash of civilizations
it is a clash of fractured nations
civilization doesn't exist



lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Tijuana / San Diego

Tengo muchas cosas que decir sobre mi estadía en Tijuana / San Diego - Chula Vista - Ocasionalmente National City, por un par de ocasiones Coronado Island (Una inclusive incluyó renta de bicicleta, ya que de primero, nuestra primera intención era rentar Kayaks, porque qué bonito, pero la industria del kayak es una mierda en Coronado Island. Cuesta 39 dlls + impuesto, 49 si es un kayak doble, pero quién quiere un kayak doble, ya tenemos suficiente para aparte pasar la verguenza de estar en uno. Y no, nos pareció caro, aún y cuando los que atienden el negocio parecían personas del catalogo de Hollister, como mi amigo dijese, yo dije que se veían demasiado californianos y punto. 

Del lado de Tijuana, no se dejen sorprender, Playas de Tijuana, a las orillas de la barda fronteriza, comenzando con una monumental plaza de toros que alberga actos como el de la infame noche de Enrique Iglesias, que se corta sus deditos por estar puteando con un dron,, como diría mi amigo nuevamente, yo siempre pensé que la foto estaba manipulada para que se vea más sangrienta, era como cuando te cortabas con las aspas de tu ventilador portátil de baterías, solo que si más gruesas, porque el objeto es más pesado.

Por lo menos no se voló los dedos como el wey de Rebelde bajándose de un helicoptero por saludar a sus fans, como si fuera LadyDi llegando a Uganda por primera vez. Ever.

Luego está el valle, el viejo oeste, donde los sueños se vieron confrontados ahora por el vasto océano pacífico. Y ahora ¿hasta dónde? Pues hasta Asia, mijos.

 To be continued ...