jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

cut, paste & re-escale

The idea behind the first image came from the cover of the latest book by Slavoj Zizek, I think it's an striking one.

I have been thinking recently about Jesus, but not as the institucionalized idea the Church have been exploiting since yester-year, but him as a man. So, it came to me the question, how jesus would look like today if he would be around? And the result was the following one:

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013


Following the same current I have been testing since the past month, being this one Constructivism, I'm experimenting with the main image of the fist in various forms to achieve deeper impact (adding some subversive red ink as background), play a little bit more and get familiar with the GIMP tools.

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Some thoughts about my last drawings

Hello everybody,

Sometimes I get fixated by an idea, a thing, or a band. Recently I have been quite immersed about the band Rammstein, when something like that gets into my mind and I can't get it out starts manipulating my ideas for drawings and immediately I start trying to represent what I feel with my limitations of a precarious artist...

Ok, so here are some of the results of that so-called immersion:

First I would like to show the tools I work with, In the real life I work mostly with texts so these are what comes at hand all the time without searching much:

Later on when the set is ready I just start drawing semi-consciously and I don't edit much, what you see is pretty much the first take of the finished product:

 Ok, that's all thanks for listening.

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013


I spent my day today thinking about the artistic current Constructivism. It really catch my attention because It feels very revolutionary and not only in the ideological way but also in how it is realized, using 'shocking' colors to attract the attention of the spectator mixed with geometrical forms that shapes human struggles and desires of emancipation. It just felt really good and I enjoyed very much exploring the thematic a little bit.

First I took this image I found doing quick research using google images with the term.

Then I sketched the image and the result was the following:

Later on I added an humoristic twist and I mutated it into this using the tools I found in the office desk and added a little of digital red to highlight the effect:

martes, 1 de enero de 2013

Recuento de daños del 2012

El 2012 ha sido sin duda un año de vasos rotos.

Vi a mis dos bandas favoritas de todos los tiempos Radiohead y Modeselektor. Las pistas que fui siguiendo dejadas por el rastro del 'Elvis Presley' de la filosofía, el esloveno Slavoj Zizek, desembocaron a recibir educación impartida por él y otros grandes en European Graduate School cuyo desenlace dejo apreciables amistades y una grata experiencia europea en compañía de viejos amigos y mas confusión.

He tratado de mantener un ritmo de escritura considerable que culmino en la publicación en diferentes medios que fueron muy amables de darme completa libertad siendo estos Sonic-Soma, Rockets Musik! y la iniciativa lingüística de European Graduate School para la cual realice traducciones del ingles al español de memorables académicos. A continuación hago un enlistado de dichas publicaciones por si alguien tiene curiosidad:

Traducciones para European Graduate School:


Notas para Rockets Musik!:

Arte + Musica = Cold Void

#Flash: Burial + Four Tet, Beck & Mogwai

Band to watch: Source of Yellow

#Review: Julia Holter 'Ekstasis'

Band to watch: Endless Boogie

Notas para Sonic-Soma:

WFMU ¿La mejor estación de radio independiente?

Música Ideal Para Bodas

También quisiera despedirme agradeciéndoles a todos los que estuvieron presentes y ausentes pero pendientes en este periodo y mandarles un caluroso abrazo. El próximo año no tengo la mas remota idea de que nuevo monstruo me tendré que enfrentar pero tengo la seguridad de contar con las armas para salir victorioso.

Próximamente espero poder anunciarles sobre un proyecto que realice con un artista visual de NY que esta en proceso de ser hecho publico y que les brindare frescos detalles a medida que sea prudente.

 Y por ultimo recuerden este nombre: orangegutanlab