jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Some thoughts about feeling

talking about nothing is amazing! it feels so good, you feel so liberated! from any constraints but what language itself can possess which is truly infinite if you think about it ... and it gives you a voice, it puts you there - like automatically expelled from the void ... like a birth - expelled from your mothers womb, so beloved, so greasy, so full of blood. And now you are outthere in the open. Feeling, just feeling what feeling is.

The Bogdanov - Hegel connection - draft

I have to think how to link between these two because next friday I will be talking about Bogdanov via McKenzie Wark's Molecular Red and I don't know why I got involved but I am. So, no, of course I know, I find this work fascinating. I think it is a completely new perspective that I haven't encountered before, and that's refreshing. The new. You know, that space where everything gets turned apart and creates the space for the emergence of the new, a new possibility. You got it.
And that's where it goes. No big science. I'm just interested in these processes. Like, the root, you know? So you don't get foul, by fouls.


like there was this will to make something new
not like something contingent
not like a contingency
and in this respect i link bogdanev with Hegel
because they share both qualities
of being modern
of willing to create something new
maybe not just for the sake of it
but with something in mind
something planned or structured prior
like an inner plan
like a plan
whatever this could be
but it has been proven historically to be flourishing in something beautiful

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

This doesn't exist.

My notes taken while I passively watched in the confort of my living room I share with three others in Colonia del Valle, sur. It is important to specify it is 'sur' because if not you can get confused and think it is the one next to the more trendier Roma and Condesa, no, mine doesn't have anything which trends, but that's the reason I love this neighbourhood and because it has proven mildly affordable and amicable in an otherwise hell which is Mexico City.

The lecture is by Markus Gabriel, the so-called 'genius child of continental philosophy' because of its productivity levels in such a field when you get to start putting your name outthere probably never.

It is titled 'The World Doesn't Exit' and I agree.


Markus Gabriel.
Why the world doesn't exist?
What existenz means - ontology is.
Being - confusing term
in contrast ontology with metaphysics
metaphysics - a theory of totality. A theory of absolutely everything.
you want these things to co-exist
the particular object O1
O1 exist - so you will look for an existing object
being and nothing as one and the same - science of logic - hegel
Existence is a proper property - no one believes that
to exist means to be part of the world
you go from an object to a field
the world is a field of possible experience - Kant
to be part of the world you have to say that the world doesn't exist
kant says - critique of pure reason - whatever appears into the world.
kant really believes that nothing exists - the most radical indian monk, as a nihilist.
schmixist - heidegger - i doesnt exist but it worlds
world - regulative idea - habermas. the round square.
the world doesn't exist it doesn't world it doesn't do anything.
Isn't that postmodernist?
It is not Kantianism
Thinking is not less real. Depending on how long they exist or whatever, that is not an ontological problem.
David Lynch is trying to transform the american flag into the french one.
to exist means to stand out
Pre-socratis created the world. Freud -  The oceanic feeling somehow ran amok. Then Parmenides said water is being.
There is no it. A mistake mostly by Parmenides. It is a contingent mistake.