miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

endless open tabs

It was that moment again. When you are sitting alone, infront of your computer, with so many open tabs that you cannot see or distinguish one from the other, probably they will just be there for a couple of days until you need to restart your computer because It is so loaded with information that you need to restart. Then Facebook, endless train of more information, I question myself if people really read all the notes they post or they just post it as a personal reminder that they will read them, but in a public way. Perhaps someone read the note posted and comment it, and then save the effort and time to the person who posted in the first place. Perhaps no one cares and you are the only one that cares, that you have the responsability of sharing that precious piece of writing to your closed circuit of friends because you feel that in that way you are contributing to something bigger, you are changing the world, you are changing the minds, you are a great and aware human being. But the true is, I don't think it matters, I really believe it is just a compulsive activity mixed with habit and some kind of guilt of not using your time in other way because you don't know what to do with your time in the first place. But I do it anyway, because I see some beauty in self-destruction, I see that pointless activity has some transparency of intention that actually can reach further levels, un-knowing about the consequences. I don't know, I really don't.

I was thinking yesterday something crazy over dinner, about the polar vortex that happened in the US the past winter. I was thinking how all memes become just repulsive at the end of the line. I thought about how good intentions end up failing and gathered in youtube compulation videos. I thought about conspiracy theories while on the train, like it could be possible that the polar vortex was just an invention to justified the lack of resources to maintain heated a city over winter without being ashamed of admitting it. In the future only rich people will be able to afford proper heating. In the future families will gathered around fire again, like the good old days, but this time the fire will smell like gasoline.

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

these are my top 10 books

they dont mean that are my favorites, they are just the first 10 books that came to my mind while thinking about writing this entry.

The Shining - Stepehn King
this was the first book in english i read. I was 16. I was in Whitehall, NY and the winter was harsh for me, so the context helped a lot. 

Living in the end times - Slavoj Zizek
This book was like a gateway drug for me. enough said.

Contact - Carl Sagan
For many (me included) Sagan is cheesy and too positive, but nonetheless this book made me aware of science fiction and how fun it was.

Ecce Homo - Nietzsche
badass Nietzsche, unapologetical and grandious ... then he went mad

Kafka on a shore - Murakami
I think I enjoy this book because it was so surreal but at the same time strange and real that it just clicked

El Aleph - Jorge Luis Borges
man, infinity is a harsh topic to approach right

Phenomenology of the Spirit - Hegel
i decided to pursuit philosophy 'seriously' after reading this

Either / Or - Kierkegaard
Role model

Slaughter House Five - Kurt Vonnegut
never read something like the dresden bombing in such an amazing prose on fiction

The Divine Comedy - Dante
well, it is hell all the way

h/t to Jacob Wren. I got this idea from him after reading his ...