lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Review of 2013

2013 was an interesting for not saying boring and extremely tasteless year. Rape porn became an adjective, bitcoin sky roofted to the stratosphere, literally (an early adopter bought the first ticket to space for 250,000 in bitcoins making Richard Branson grin grow an inch more), and oh well, stoners are still dreaming wildly about the zillions they are going to make going public and legit before the end of times. Everyone became aware that those pictures you have being taking to yourself since the beginning of times are as common as napping and its label is the selfie. Oh yeah and the peak of cultural development went to Miley Cyrus for her broad and ample knowledge and ability to twerk. Iran didn't got the bomb, Israel did not destroyed the world, Egipt got a second not as interesting as the first uprising, Syria is still a catastrophe and new natural catastrophes emerged causing massive devastation like in Philippines and the business as usual in the poverty-driven economy of most parts of the developing world continued, while the richest rich are still pretty insanely rich in the developed world, polluting like if there is no tomorrow and enslaving with minimum wages a big chunk of its population that are unbearable for even achieve at least a bare bones survival existence. Perhaps they can learn from Hunger Games, or from the handy tips the overlord McDonalds showed extravagantly to us in a shiny new-looking website, by the way thank you, I didn’t knew that breaking the meals in small pieces makes you feel fuller. (How can you break meals in small pieces? Ah! I know! It is because they know that most of its workers eat Cheetos for lunch, smart!). Oh yeah, and Banksy sold original artworks for $60 dollars worth thousands and just three lucky bastards got them while the rest of us just piped-dreamed about what would I have done with that money. It also was a really bad year for the dingy internet. The piratebay folks still have massive problems with the law while all the junkies are crying out loud when they discovered that their gateway to heaven have being seized by the FBI, with probably all their information about their habits printed in their transactions. fun fun fun, but not as fun than for its creator, the wise-ass Dread Pirate Roberts whose endeavour now means bankrupt for all his family, future children and grandchildren and a great conversation topic for christmas, if he gets out of jail of course before he can still fathered someone. With a year like this it is not difficult to predict that perhaps 2014 will be a better year, but who knows? A new Costa Concordia could be next door or stuxnet could be lurking in everyones devices and convert them into explosives or potential cause of cancer, oh wait, that already happened. All in the name of progress, right? but who knows? The only thing for sure is 2013 is over and with that all its misery is now history, as the love for crack of the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, because, yolo, isn’t?… you could do better than that, right?