martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

My first non-fungible token: Spaceship owner

 I made my first NFT! Through Rarible, it's a service where you can upload your art work and sell it with a value attached on cryptocurrencies.

It costs 0.1 ETH and it's available through here:

1 comentario:

  1. Hugh Smith, is a bully. I was severely mistreated by him. Please know that I was bullied by him, socially alienated by his friends and family. Please be careful of enabling narcissistic abuse in blind solidarity with him. I would have never imagined the monstrous narcissistic verbal and emotional abuse, stonewalling, and gaslighting that I suffered from him behind closed doors. This has been suppressed, denied and kept in the dark by him and I want every single person in the world to know that he is a bully.
    "A lot of aggression in the world is carried out by people who don't see it in themselves and can be vicious in the expression of their aggression, all the while thinking they're totally innocent of any aggression." --Vicious expressions of aggression are carried out by people who feel they have no aggression in themselves, so this viciousness is carried out in the name of what is perfect and idealistic; one feels completely justified in vicious attacks, like to maliciously lie and frame people, in the name of, not what is good, but perfect, ideal, vain.
